Wednesday 29 July 2009

want to buy..

the red and gold Toms.
has anyone in the UK bought from them direct?

what's shipping like?

are they comfy?

macaroons in a bottle from puffpastry etsy. (unable to post links at this time)

kittyrobot house buttons

dolly tshirts from ababietoy.


Hello, I'm Vicki said...

ooh those t-shirts are cute - ETSY has got to be the best place for Blythe clothes :D super cool!! Loving those shoes too..... and from your last post - buy both and then sell the one you don't want - someone is bound to want the other one :D xxx

Vanessa said...

Ohh! I want Toms too!
I love checking out their site..but I don't want to order online so I have to wait and find a place I can try on. I hope they are comfy as they are super cute :-)

Jodie said...

I can make you the macaroons in the bottle (we have a few different kinds)
and i can send you some house buttons i cant think if i put them in ur kr package damn i should have.

so dont buy them, buy the cute shoes or tshirts.
actually buy the blythe clothes, those shoes look like slippers :P only kidding if u like em get em, u deserve it!