popped into town with my mum on another wedding cake hunt (they're so expensive!!!) and 'had' to go into a craft shop, where i bought a trimmer, some sticky roll and this bargainous alpha stamp set for £1.18!!
then of course i had to go into Primark, everyone's favourite bargain, but probably not very ethical, clothes shop, where i found this dress. technically i dont need anymore dresses, but this 'swooshed' when i turned and made me feel pretty. £15!
those eagle eyed Sex and the City girls will have spotted it's likeness to this number...

Nice Dress and that alpha set is a bargain will have to pop in there next time I am in town and get one.(alpha that is not the dress)
hi Stephanie
those alpha sets are 99p in the Range - and they have a great selection of them - just a heads up :)
thanks for your comment on the tattoo AB - I was doing some more work on it last night, coincidentally
Was stupidly excited when I clicked through to your profile and saw you like Jasper Fforde - my yahoo ID is fforde_freak :)
(have I told you this before? getting deja vu....)
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