Monday, 31 July 2017

Planner Girls Collective: Meal Planning

Meal planning is one of those things I try to be good at. I get very envious of all the Pintrest posts about batch cooking and prepping and it spurs me on albeit briefly. I buy the foil trays, over cook portions so I can freeze them....then I forget what's in the freezer, don't fancy it, get lazy.

I have this lovely pad from Aldi (drawn on lovingly by youngest) and on good weeks I will write a list of meal ideas although not necessarily on the correct day, then I can add specifics to the shopping list.

I also keep track of previous meals on the note sidebar in my Happy Planner. That way I have a list of previous ideas for when I'm stuck!

Check out what the other PGC ladies have to say:

1 comment:

Emma said...

Love that little Aldi pad. I'm after the wilko one it's gorgeous x