Sunday 26 February 2017

Planner Girls collective: i cant live without..

1. Coffee. I have two young children. Nuff said.

2. cake. See above.

3. My phone. Sad that it's come to this, but I admit I'm addicted to my phone. I'm sure I'm not the it one who can't go an hour without picking up their smartphone to look at the latest Facebook updates or Instagram pics? My phone has my pictures, emails, web favourites.

4. My planners. I find that process of filling my planner in at the end of day very therapeutic. I used to adore scrapbooking but find it difficult fitting it in around family life. With my planners I don't have to stress over which photo to document, I can print one for each day of I want. They are my diaries of my life and I love them.

5. My family. My daughters. My husband. 
They are my life. 

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